Senin, Maret 29, 2010


                      By Rick Levine
You may be much more serious about a relationship today than anyone realizes, but that's because you're not revealing all your feelings. You have the ability to focus your intentions more easily now than at other times, and this may mean that there are things that will be left unsaid. Your motives are admirable, for you don't want to burden others with your needs. Nevertheless, be careful not to bury your emotions so deeply that you slip into denial.

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Kebesaran dan kehebatan seorang manusia bukanlah karena dia tidak pernah gagal, tapi karena tidak pernah berhenti dan selalu bangkit setiap mengalami kegagalan

Semua orang yang sukses harus mengalami minimal 1-2 kegagalan terlebih dahulu 

Ingat, setiap kegagalan, bagaimanapun buruknya hal itu tergantung dari sudut mana anda melihatnya dan menyikapinya

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